SAT Coaching Institute in Singapore

How to Improve Your SAT Reading Score and Critical Reading Skills?

A critical reading test is what?

In Masterclass Space Academy the SAT's critical reading parts are made to assess your capacity for reading and comprehending written English at the level required to succeed in a university course. There are two different kinds of queries: Complete the sentence. Comprehension of text.

Is critical thinking tested on the SAT?

The critical thinking abilities you'll need for academic achievement in college are measured on the SAT Reasoning Test. The SAT measures your ability to analyze and solve problems using the skills you've learned in school, much like you will in college.

6 Strategies to Improve Your SAT Reading Score

50% of your score on the Evidence-Based Reading and Writing part of the SAT comes from the reading test. (The Writing and Language Test provides the other half.).In our Masterclass space’s SAT Coaching Institute in Singapore, we make students ready for the SAT with the help of our unique teaching methods.

The Reading Test is significant because of that breakdown, but it is not impossible to pass. Simply knowing how to approach each reading material is all that is required; there are no formulae or comma rules to learn.

Utilize these crucial reading techniques to get a high reading score on the SAT.

SAT Reading Strategies for a High Score

1. Be aware of what to expect.

65 minutes will be given to you to read five texts from the humanities, social sciences, history, and natural sciences, and to respond to a total of 52 questions. Your answers to the questions will be used to compare two sections, uncover the primary idea of a piece, determine the meaning of words in context, decide why an author included a particular detail, and even identify information on a graph.

2. Decide the sequence yourself.

Reading quizzes are presented chronologically rather than in order of difficulty. Not every question needs to be answered, so don't be afraid to skip a challenging one. Find out more about SAT problem-solving techniques by joining SAT Online Coaching in Singapore.

3. Read everything you require.

You don't have to waste time reading every word of the passage and attempting to get knowledge on the subject. Right there in front of you is the passage. As a result, alternate between the passage and the questions, concentrating solely on what you need to know rather than becoming bogged down in all the minor nuances.

4. Check your viewpoints at the door.

You will frequently be invited to provide your own opinion in an English class, supported by the text. The SAT is an exception. When a question uses the words "infer," "imply," or "suggest," take it seriously. Even if the solution is not explicitly given in the text, there will still be

5. Read each dual passage separately.

One of your science, history or social studies sections will consist of two shorter paragraphs that discuss the same subject. Ask questions regarding the first passage first, the second passage next, and the two passages together finally. This will save time and prevent you from mixing up the two paragraphs when analyzing the possible answers.

6. Hold the important idea-related queries for last.

The very first question for many of the Reading sections will provide a general inquiry regarding the paragraph's principal idea or aim, the narrative point of view, or a transition that takes place during the passage. You shouldn't answer those broad questions first because you haven't read the complete passage. You'll have a solid understanding of the text's major topics once you've answered the majority of the other questions.

Test out these reading techniques. Practice answering some SAT reading exam questions.

SAT Critical Reading study materials include explanations, examples, and concepts.

1. Extrapolating from the passages in the humanities. Comparing and contrasting passages from the humanities.

2. Identifying Structure and Argument in Humanities Texts.

3. Reading and Understanding Humanities Texts.

How to read 200% faster in 20 minutes?

Only 20 to 25 minutes are allotted for each area on the SAT. So, reading quickly is unquestionably advantageous. How much more of the text would you need to read and comprehend to complete each question in that time frame? I once had a buddy who said, "I never had enough time on the practice SATs. Before answering the questions, I would worry about whether I had understood everything, especially if the test involved reading comprehension. I didn't have enough time to fully consider and respond to the questions as well as I could have if I had more, as a result.

1. Examine the questions quickly. Look over the questions you would need to answer before you even start reading the paragraph in front of you. This will offer you a clear picture of the important ideas and points you should pay attention to when reading the passage. Additionally, it will enable you to skip through the passage's less significant sections and save you time from having to comprehend every word.

2. Identify your average speed. Take a simulated SAT exam and count the words in the first 10 lines to find out how quickly you read currently. The average number of words per line can then be calculated by dividing this word count by 10. 10 lines and 120 words, for instance, equals 12 words per line. The next step is to highlight the first word of the first line, set a timer for one minute, and read at the rate you would ordinarily do on a test. Add up the last few words in the last line you were able to read when the minute is up (be careful you stick with this!).

3. Letting go of backtracking and fixations. Many pupils are concerned that they won't fully understand the piece the first time they read it. You risk losing your place while speed reading if you focus on a single word or sentence or go back to read a sentence. To fix this, consider keeping track of the words you are reading at that particular moment with a pen or your finger. Having a clear focus on what you are reading will help you avoid waffling by keeping your eyes and mind on what you are reading.

4. Practice simultaneous word reading in groups. Most people presumably already have some experience reading three or four words together. The ability to read a few words together at once will enable you to read the material more rapidly because not every word is always crucial.

5. Continue timing you’re reading paces and practicing. Timing will not only help you stay on track to speed reading improvement, but it will also keep you inspired as you make strides.

If you want to excel in SAT in the world class institutions then reach us at for SAT coaching class in Singapore!

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