Digital SAT Live Sessions

Digital SAT has two sections - Reading and Writing (RW) section and the Math section. The digital SAT is divided into four modules: two for the Reading and Writing (RW) section and two for the Math section. The test is adaptive, meaning that the difficulty and scoring of the second module for each section is based on a student's performance on the first module.

Each module of the RW section includes 27 questions, with two of them being "pretest" questions that are not scored and are used for experimental purposes. The pretest questions are mixed in with the normally-scored questions to help test their suitability for future use.

Similarly, each module in the Math section consists of 22 questions, with two unscored "pretest" questions included in each module.

The composite score of the Digital SAT ranges from 400 to 1600 and is determined by combining a student's scores from the Reading and Writing section (scored on a scale of 200-800) and the Math section (also scored on a scale of 200-800).

The total duration of the test, including breaks, is 2 hours and 14 minutes. Overall, the digital SAT provides a more streamlined and adaptive testing experience, allowing for a more accurate assessment of a student's academic potential.

Category Reading and Writing (RW) Section Math Section
Format Two-stage adaptive test design: one Reading and Writing section administered via two separately timed modules Two-stage adaptive test design: one Math section administered via two separately timed modules
Test length (number of operational and pretest question) 1st Module: 25 operational questions and 2 pretest question
2st Module: 25 operational questions and 2 pretest question
1st Module: 20 operational questions and 2 pretest question
2st Module: 20 operational questions and 2 pretest question
Time per stage 1st module: 32 Minutes
2nd module: 32 Minutes
1st module: 35 Minutes
2nd module: 35 Minutes
Total number of questions 54 questions 44 questions
Total time allotted 64 questions 70 questions

Masterclass Space SAT Prep Courses

  • SAT Premium Exhaustive:

    This course is a popular option for students preparing for the SAT. This comprehensive course covers all the basic concepts and includes review tests, assignments, and mock tests. The program lasts for approximately 3.5+ months. After 3.5+ months, we provide unlimited number of sessions till the best SAT score is achieved.

  • SAT Hybrid:

    This course is a combination of SAT Self Paced Course and live sessions. It has been designed to provide flexible learning and at the same time giving personalised touch.

  • SAT Fast Pace:

    This course is perfect for students who have already completed self-preparation and are looking for a quick revision. This course includes tests, assignments, and mock tests, along with tricks to solve questions. The program lasts for 1 month, making it an ideal choice for students who have limited time for preparation.

  • SAT Personal:

    This course is based on a one-on-one pattern, with one instructor and one student. This course is customized to meet the specific requirements of a student, whether they need help with mathematics or the verbal section. This personalized approach allows students to focus on specific areas of the SAT that they need to improve on.

Course Summary

Course Duration Hours Standard Preferred
SAT Premium Exhaustive 3.5+ months Unlimited 10th,11th,12th
SAT Hybrid Flexible Flexible 9th,10th,11th,12th
SAT Fast Pace 1 month 30 hours 11th, 12th
SAT Personal Customized Customized 11th, 12th

Our Top Scorers in SAT


Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) for SAT

Why is duration of MCS SAT Course longer than usual?

MCS courses prepare students holistically. The course covers all the concepts in-depth. Along with concepts, all the assignments are discussed. Once the syllabus is over, full length mock tests series starts on every weekend. This is exhaustive preparation which definitely consumes time but produces brilliant results.

What is experience of faculties taking SAT prep course at Masterclass Space?

Masterclass Space has expert faculties having minimum experience of 3 years. Currently the experience of faculties range from is 3 to 18 years.

How will MCS deal if student fails to match the pace of teacher?

If the student fails to match the pace of teacher, he/she can watch the recording of class and ask doubts personally in doubt session. Even if the student is not able grasp, he/she can re join another batch to revise all the sessions again.

How is Masterclass Space preparing for SAT Digital?

The course content of has been updated as per new SAT pattern. In order to cater to digital SAT, we are providing online testing platform to accustom students with digital SAT.

What is ideal age to start SAT Prep?

We rather prefer to talk in terms of grade not age to start preparation. English doesn’t need any prerequisite but we expect students to know basic level of mathematics topic as per SAT syllabus. If the student has finished all those topics by 9th grade, he/she can start from 10th grade. Some students start from 8th and 9th grade also if they are in accelerated course structure. If student is willing to start early, he/she can start with English from any grade and do Mathematics later once he/she is comfortable with topics. We can give diagnostic test to judge if student is fit to join the course. Feel free to approach us for diagnostic test.