A Strategic Guide to Ace the SAT Exam - What are the Different Ways?
The SAT demands extensive preparation; it is not a test you could prepare for and do well there. To perform at your best, you must become acquainted with it—the kinds of questions presented, the appearance of the correct and incorrect answer options, the pace at which you must go to finish in time, etc.
The SAT should be your primary concern after relatives and schoolwork, and you should prepare for it regularly well over a few months. Weekly timed practice exams are also recommended.
- Formulate a consistent study schedule.
Instead of studying for the SAT in a few short weeks or days, it is advisable to do it over several months. Learning should be a priority for you during this time, just behind family responsibilities and academics. Extracurricular pursuits, participation in extracurricular activities, friendships, and enjoyment must take a back seat to the exam.
This implies that you must allocate a significant amount of time each week to studying for the SAT. Finding a regular study period is beneficial; for example, 5-7 pm on weekdays and 11-2 on weekends.
Find the free hours in your weekly calendar and study if you are unable to maintain a regular schedule. You likely have too many extracurricular commitments on your schedule, in which instance you could need to temporarily give up some of these activities.
The same is true of athletics. Does playing soccer demand a lot of weekend travel and extended after-school hours? Let it go as well; ultimately, your test score will matter much more for college admission than your participation in extracurricular activities and sports. You can pick up any extracurricular activities you put on hold in your junior or senior year if you perform well on the exam.
Each day of the week, between two and three hours should be set up for test preparation. Keep in mind that this commitment is just for a short time.
Now, it's probable that you won't be able to work for two hours every day. If not, you must attempt every day for at least an hour. A constant and demanding timetable will help you to progressively increase your exam knowledge, resulting in consistent improvement and avoiding you from losing crucial topics. You should attempt to study quite as many days each week as you can.
Once a week, you'll need extra time to complete a timed practice exam. Preparing for the SAT is more like a marathon than a sprint since you want to be totally ready for test day and be familiar with how it feels to take the complete test. Before taking the practice exams, make sure you simulate exam day circumstances by preparing in a calm, distraction-free area.
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- Ensure that you get enough rest.
For each hour you spend studying, take a ten-minute break. It will maintain your energy and attention while providing your brain with a much-needed break.
You can eat something, visit the washroom, check your messages, Facebook, Instagram, and other things while taking a ten-minute break. You will be able to concentrate more often during your study time if you know that you'll have time to accomplish the following things: "I can treat me to a break if I work hard."
Keep in mind that you must take breaks according to the timetable utilized on test day if you are taking a full practice exam. They are distinct from the ten-minute pauses that are recommended here. The College Board site has the timetable for the SAT breaks.
- Utilize the time smartly And Focus Upon Your Weak spots
Keep track of the questions you're failing and concentrate on those.
Both the kinds of questions you're getting wrong and the subject areas you need to focus on will almost certainly follow a pattern. For instance, you might want to examine comma usage guidelines, brush up on equation systems, or practice vocabulary-in-context problems.
If you are aware of your areas for improvement, commit to utilizing those areas throughout a part of your designated SAT study time.
- Upset Because of The Score? Condemn it.
Be prepared to sit for the SAT multiple times. After retaking the test once, sometimes twice, most students achieve higher test scores.
Taking the SAT multiple times has many advantages. Your first exam gives you familiarity with the actual testing environment. These circumstances frequently cause a great deal of tension, which can significantly affect your performance.
However, most students are aware that they may perform better with a little extra preparation after receiving their initial score. Thus, don't think of your first SAT as being your last one, and don't stop studying once you've taken it.
Wait for the score report to arrive, then review the categories of questions you answered incorrectly. You now have a rock-solid, trustworthy understanding of where you should put in more effort. Make adjustments to your study strategy and workload in light of this information.
- Pleased About Your results? Congratulations! You're done!
You're done preparing for the SAT once you've achieved your desired score. Congratulations!
When you receive your score report and see that you've achieved or above your target score, you'll know you've studied effectively for the SAT. Pat yourself on the back and schedule those extracurricular activities and sports again. Each student has a different appropriate target score. Your target score may be the one you need to meet the requirements for a scholarship you're seeking or it may be the score you need to be competitive at a certain college or university Or perhaps you're aiming for the greatest test score to make up for a less-than-stellar GPA.
- There's such a thing as excessive studying, so be aware of your limits.
If your score hasn't improved after intense study, don't push yourself to the limit. When you've worked hard and spent countless hours studying and your score has plateaued, even if it's a lesser result than you had intended, know when to give up. After all, hardly everyone can achieve a score of 1600, therefore you may have achieved your maximum potential.
There is no justification for exhausting yourself or driving yourself insane in the irrational quest for a higher score. Create a list of universities wherever your performance is acceptable and adjust your expectations.
You will undoubtedly have a highly rewarding college experience if you keep this optimistic outlook during the coming years. To succeed in college, you need to put in a lot of hard effort, perhaps even more than you need to be intelligent.
What is a good study schedule?
Finding a regular study period is beneficial; for example, 5-7 pm on weekdays and 11-2 on weekends.
You can get further details on applying to institutions, Counseling for different courses, and information on the Best SAT Tutoring Classes on our website