SAT Exam in Singapore

Everything you need to Know about the SAT Exam in Singapore!

SAT Preparation Online in Singapore What exactly is The SAT Exam?

The SAT, which stands for 'Scholastic Assessment Test,' is an entrance exam for students seeking admission to undergraduate programmes at colleges and universities in the United States, Canada and Singapore. A written paper-pencil test assesses applicants' language and mathematical reasoning skills.

What exactly is The New SAT?

Major changes were made to the SAT examination format and pattern in 2016 and converted to the New SAT. Though the basic eligibility and maxim of the exam remain the same, the New SAT has many changes, including subject names, examination duration, and valuation pattern.

The old SAT exam included sections on critical reading, writing, and mathematics; the new SAT exam included sections on evidence-based reading and writing, as well as mathematics.

The SAT time duration has also been reduced in the new SAT from 3 hours 45 minutes to 3 hours for applicants who do not take the essay section and 3 hours 50 minutes for those who do take the essay section. Aside from that, the new SAT valuation system has been altered, with papers now valued between 400-1600 instead of the old 600-2400 scale. In addition, there is no penalty for incorrect answers on the New SAT.

What are The SAT Exam Eligibility Requirements?

Although there are no set SAT exam eligibility or age criteria for appearing in the SAT text, students typically take this exam after they have completed high school and must admit to undergraduate courses.

However, you should be aware that there is no set age limit for taking the exam. Applicants aged 12 and under are also eligible to apply for the SAT, but only by mail.

How to Apply and Register for The SAT?

There is only one prerequisite for SAT registration, and that is that anybody taking the test must have a current, original passport.

The SAT registration process is relatively simple, and like other exams, you must apply online, except in a few circumstances where applicants may submit a paper application by mail. The application process for both online and mail submissions has been briefly covered here.

Online Registration:

You must create a student profile for yourself and fill out the SAT application form on the website.

  • Once all of your personal and academic information has been entered, you must choose the exam and the testing location.
  • The next step is to upload a clear photo of you to the application.
  • You must next submit your application and pay the appropriate examination fee online.
  • Once your submission has been received, you simply need to print your examination admittance ticket.

Application via Mail:

This Technique of Applying for the SAT is Open to Applicants If They Meet the Requirements:

  • They must be 13 years of age or less.
  • They must desire to request testing close to their home.
  • They must be unable to provide a digital photo.
  • Wishing to use a check or money order to pay the examination price.

The Registration Procedure in These Situations is as Follows:

  • Your education counsellor or school board must provide you with an SAT student registration booklet.
  • The SAT application form is in the booklet; you must complete it by the instructions provided.
  • This completed application form should be mailed, in a sealed envelope, to the address listed on the booklet, along with a money order or check for the application cost for the exam.

How is The SAT Calculated?

The math and evidence-based reading and writing portions make up the bulk of the SAT. On each of the two sections, you can receive a score between 200 and 800, for a possible total of 1600.

You can attempt all the questions because wrong answers do not result in points being deducted.

Can I Get My SAT Exam Rescheduled?

You can, indeed. Simply sign in to your College account, select "My SAT," then "Change Registration," follows the instructions, and select the date that works best for you. However, there will be a price for rescheduling.

Can I Postpone My SAT Exam?

You can, indeed. You must cancel at least five days before the exam date; after that, you cannot do so. You'll only get a portion of your money back in the event of cancellation. Change your test date unless you do not want to take the SAT.

SAT Exam Preparation Tips:

Now that you are familiar with the SAT paper format and the SAT evaluation system, here are some suggestions to make it easier for you to study for each component of the SAT Tutoring in Singapore.

Reading SAT Advice:

  • Read each passage carefully but only once in the beginning. If you spend extra time reading any of the readings again, you might not have enough time to complete all of the questions because you have 65 minutes to read and answer the questions for 5 passages.
  • Don't just skim the passages; try to understand them as well. This will enable you to identify the locations of the solutions to each passage question.
  • Since this section's questions are all multiple-choice and not grouped in order of difficulty, attempt to finish as many of the simpler ones first and save the more challenging ones for last.
  • When preparing for the tests, try to complete as many practice question papers as you can because that will help you comprehend the kinds of questions asked in the exam and also help you assess your potential.
  • Ask your education counsellor to assist you in identifying your areas of weakness so that you may work diligently to strengthen them. Additionally, practise time management skills with the sample test questions to enable you to answer the most questions possible on the SAT.
  • In the new SAT, there is no negative grading, so even if you are unsure of the answers to some questions, attempt to answer them anyway. If your answer is correct, you will receive full credit.

SAT Writing Tips:

  • Similar to the reading part, read each chapter carefully only once while paying close attention to what you are reading. Then, try to answer as many questions as you can.
  • The element of the SAT writing test that needs the greatest attention during preparation is the Grammar section. To be ready for the SAT writing test, you must fully master sentence construction, fundamental grammar, and punctuation.
  • Additionally, there are questions based on homophones, idioms, tenses, and clauses, thus when preparing for the SAT, you need to have a solid understanding of all these grammatical concepts.
  • Learn to manage your time by completing as many practice test papers as you can and having your education counsellor correct them.
  • Additionally, talk to your counsellor about the best methods for getting ready for the SAT writing test.
  • Try to leave a little extra time after each test so you may go over your answers again; if you do this consistently, it will be easier for you to analyse your answers thoroughly on the SAT.

A Few Pointers for the Math Section:

  • Here are some SAT math section suggestions to assist you in better grasping how to do the math portion of the SAT.
  • Learn a lot of fundamental algebraic, trigonometric, and geometrical formulas since you'll need them to solve a lot of multiple-choice questions in both of the SAT mathematics sections.
  • For the No Calculator component of the SAT Mathematics Examination, you should practise mental calculations a lot. Additionally, using your basic mental math skills can help you conserve time even in the exam's calculator part, which you may use later to double-check your answers.

You may easily ace the SAT after you have a clear understanding of the test's structure and follow these guidelines.

That was a lot of information to take in, but we believe we covered everything you needed to know about the SAT Exam Preparation Institute in Singapore. You can enrol to learn more.

At Masterclass Space, we offer SAT tutoring with a personalised approach, an extensive library of study materials, practice exams, and video lectures.

With the assistance of its outstanding mentors who have extensive experience in the educational field, Masterclass Space offers the Top SAT Tutors in Singapore. To begin your SAT preparation, send an email to!

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