After a long preparation journey of 2 or 3 years, finally many of you would have written JEE Advanced Exam today. By now, certain websites have started putting JEE Advanced 2023 Paper - 1 solutions and JEE Advanced Paper - 2 2023 solutions also using memory-based questions. Though after such a tiring day, it becomes quite a task to go through these solutions of JEE Advanced 2023 but still out of excitement and nervousness; many students see these solutions. This gives them some idea about the number of marks they will score in JEE Advanced exam and on basis of previous year cut-off; they estimate their ranks also. However, this blog is not about solutions of JEE Advanced 2023 or analysis of it; this is about the way forward.
There can be certain scenarios in as per which you would have performed in exam today. It could have been better than expected, almost what you expected or lower than expectations. Accordingly, your enthusiasm and energy can be different post exam. This is very natural and expected behaviour a human mind after something which was sought after from such a long time. However, a practical student should start buckling up again for one last time, for BITSAT 2023 Session 2. Quite independent of how your JEE Advanced 2023 exam went today, you must prepare well and give your best shot for BITSAT 2023 Session 2 so that you have best available options from both scenarios.
For preparation of BITSAT 2023, most important thing in this span of time would be efficient practice from a relevant test series. You already have taken BITSAT 2023 Session 1 and have fair idea about the level of questions one has to go through in this exam. Those questions are way easier than what you saw today but speed along with efficiency is the key there. In such case, a good test series which is at par the actual BITSAT level can help you prepare well for second session.
We at
Masterclass Space have
test series specifically designed by BITSians; students and alumni; to cater to this need and provide a series which boosts your preparation level in these 2 weeks. Students who had our test series were able to score almost in the same range in BITSAT 2023 Session 1 as they were doing in our mock tests. In fact, many students have purchased this series after they found their earlier series from other institutes less relevant wrt their exam difficulty level.
This series will prepare you for BITSAT 2023 Session 2 in best manner as this is prepared by BITSians. For those who purchase our series, we provide
professional counselling session also after exams are over to help them in selecting best college and branch wrt their obtained marks. Guidance in this session is given by BITS Pilani alumni and students.
Hence it is high time you gather yourself for one more time and start preparing for this option. All the best for your BITSAT Session 2 exam!