One of India's most prestigious entrance exams is the BITSAT. Every year, thousands of students compete for a restricted number of engineering, pharmacy, and technology seats by taking the BITSAT Online exam, which is administered by BITS Pilani. BITS has scheduled the BITSAT 2022 phase 1 exam from July 2 to July 9, 2022, and the phase 2 exam from August 3 to August 7, 2022. The test will be delivered entirely online. Candidates who want to do well on the BITSAT, one of the most difficult exams in the country, should devote more time and effort to studying.
You can improve your BITSAT preparation by following these pointers:
Clarity of Concept
Students preparing for the BITSAT exam should have a firm grasp of the relevant concepts. Conceptual clarity is essential to solving 70 to 80 percent of the questions in BITSAT. Without it, students will be unable to solve a variety of mathematical and chemical equations. For a higher BITSAT score, it is critical to have a firm grip on the fundamentals of physics, chemistry, mathematics/biology, and English.
Know the most relevant subjects
All of the topics in the BITSAT Syllabus for Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, or Biology, English, and Logical reasoning are not equally important. So make it a point to learn everything you can about the subjects. Some topics to prioritize include:
Physics- Electricity and Magnetism, Mechanics, Optics, and Modern Physics.
Mathematics- Circles, Application of Derivatives, Sequence & Series, Permutations & Combinations, Theory of Equation
Chemistry- Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry; Biology includes genetics and evolution, ecology and the environment, and biotechnology and its applications.
Logical Reasoning Section- Sentence Completion, Synonyms & Antonyms, One Word Substitution, Comprehension; English Analogy Test, Logical Deduction, Numbers & Alphabetical Series Test, Figure Formation & Analysis, and Verbal Reasoning are all part of the Logical Reasoning section.
Get trained by a qualified coach
The quality of your BITSAT score can be greatly influenced by the quality of your trainer or coaching institute. To ensure that your preparation is on track, you should work with a qualified BITSAT tutor or enroll in a training program. With coaching, you'll have a better grasp of complex concepts, find answers to difficult questions, and learn effective strategies for dealing with test anxiety.
Select good study materials for BITSAT
Make sure you're using the correct learning materials. Studying for the BITSAT requires careful consideration of everything from the books you read to the tutoring you receive. To do well on the BITSAT, you'll need decent reference books and quality study materials. The candidate's preparations are greatly influenced by the books and study materials they use. Keep reading this page to learn more about the BITSAT, including the finest books and study resources.
Refer to Arihant Physics by D. C. Pandey for Physics. Refer to Paula Bruice Yurkanis for Organic Chemistry. J.D. Lee's Inorganic Chemistry is a wonderful book to begin with. Some of the best math books for BITSAT 2022 include Integral Calculus by Arihant and Class XI & XII by R.D. Sharma. You can also refer to Wren and Martin for English Proficiency and Logical Reasoning.
Learn Time Management
Time management is key to scoring well on the BITSAT. Students who want to score above 320 must learn to manage time and answer problems quickly. Daily sample examinations help you manage your time in the real exam. Always solve easy questions first since they all weigh similarly. In this manner, you will finish the test in the first hour by answering all questions you know the answers to. Make an effort to finish the paper in less time during your practice sessions for the BITSAT mock examinations. For example, if you completed the entire question paper in 2 hours 55 minutes, aim to do it in 2 hours 50 minutes this time.
Access previous year's exam papers
Practice previous question papers. You should familiarize yourself with the question patterns from the previous BITSAT exams. If you want a better knowledge of the questions that will be asked and the topics that will be covered, you should practice at least seven to eight years' worth of sample test papers from the years before. If you are able to gain an understanding of the BITSAT question patterns, you will have a far higher chance of scoring well on the BITSAT exam.
Practice Mock Tests to Crack BITSAT
Candidates can improve their exam readiness by taking practice examinations before the real deal. Taking the BITSAT Test Series on a regular basis might help students identify their weaknesses and strengths. Masterclass Space offers free BITSAT practice tests. Candidates can practice for the actual exam by taking these mock exams, which are designed in accordance with current trends such as exam patterns and curriculums. With growing complexity, the Masterclass Spaces BITSAT Online Test Series is an essential part of one's preparations.
Negative marking should not be ignored
Negative marking should not be ignored. Make sure to take into account all of the possible answers before making a decision. Despite the fact that the negative mark is low, it cannot be overlooked.
Be cautious in attempting bonus questions
Before attempting bonus questions in the BITSAT 2022, ensure that you have completed the standard 150 questions with a high degree of accuracy. There will be no way to go back and revise your 150 previously attempted questions if you choose the bonus questions.
If you want to get 400 or higher on the BITSAT 2022, this article should have provided you with all the information you want. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns concerning the BITSAT 2022 exam. With the help of BITSians and IITians, Masterclass Space has devised a comprehensive exam series for BITSAT. We're here to help, and we're pleased to do so. Post your needs here and get in touch with the best BITSAT coaching academy and trainers in your area right now.