Crack the BITSAT Exam In 15 Days

Experience Most Advanced BITSAT Online Mock Test Series

BITSAT Preparation in 15 Days: Tips & Tricks

Preparing for BITSAT in 15 days may be difficult, but it is not impossible. Candidates can benefit greatly from a focused preparation strategy. Here are some pointers to assist you approach BITSAT preparation in 15 days.

Examining the Syllabus and Exam Pattern

To prepare for any entrance exam, one needs to be familiar with the material and exam format. Before studying for the BITSAT:

  1. Examine the BITSAT syllabus thoroughly.
  2. Examine the test structure of the paper to determine the high-weightage themes, marking scheme, question style, and so on.
  3. Make a list of subjects for each subject and develop a 15-day study schedule.
  4. Do not try to cover the complete course in this time frame.
The table below provides an overview of the BITSAT exam pattern.

Total Questions 150
Each Questions Weightage 3 Marks
Duration 3 Hours
Total Mark 450
Negative Marking -1 for each wrong attempt

Select the Appropriate Study Material Referring to several books for BITSAT preparation in 15 days is not a smart idea. Instead, get some NCERT books to help you understand the fundamentals. After that, examine the sample papers to determine the sort of problems and how to solve them. This is the correct method to use if you want to improve your BITSAT score.

However, we've included a list of BITSAT reference books below. Candidates who began their preparation early can make use of these books.

Best BITSAT Preparation

Subject Book Author
Physics Concepts of Physics- Vol 1 and Vol 2

The Arihant

Fundamentals of Physics

General Physics Problems
Mr. H.C. Verma

Mr. D. C. Pandey

Resnick, Halliday, and Walker

I.E. Irodov
Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry

Atkins' Physical Chemistry

Inorganic Chemistry

Modern Approach to Chemical Calculations

Peter Atkins, Julio DePaula, James Keeler


R.C. Mukherjee

N Awasthi
Physical Chemistry
Mathematics Class XI & XII Books

Problems in Calculus of One Variable Algebra

Integral Calculus

Differential Calculus

Higher Algebra
R.D. Sharma




Hall Knight Bernard-child
English Proficiency and Logical Reasoning The Pearson Complete Guide to the BITSAT One Learn Education
BITSAT English Proficiency & Logical Reasoning Disha Experts
Wren and Martin

Read More: Books on BITSAT 2023

Examine Sample Papers

Use a timer to practice questions from previous years' papers. Determine how much time you spend on each problem. After completing a sufficient number of papers, you will be able to identify the critical and high-weightage questions. To attain higher outcomes, concentrate on such problems and practice as often as possible.

More information: BITSAT 2023 Previous Year Question Papers

Mock Examinations

Online Mock Test Series for BITSAT are identical duplicates of the actual question papers. It is recommended that you complete a sufficient number of practice examinations before taking the exam. You will get a fair idea of the type of problems in the exam, and it will also help you with proper time management on D-day. Evaluate each mock test carefully and figure out your improvement areas.

Time management is essential.

While studying for the BITSAT exam, keep time management in mind. Negative markers are included in the test pattern, so don't spend too much time on a single question. This also applies to taking mock examinations and sample papers. Practice until you can strike a balance between speed and accuracy in the exam.

Revise thoroughly.

Remember to review things the same day you studied them. This will ensure that you retain all of the information you have eaten. Examine all of the theories, formulas, and shortcuts for each subject. As a result, rigorously adhere to the timeline so that you may devote adequate time to revision.

Distractions should be avoided.

Make an effort to study for at least 10-12 hours per day. BITSAT preparation in 15 days necessitates the use of effective tactics as well as focused study. These final few days of preparation are critical for exam success. So, stay focused and consistent in your preparation for the BITSAT exam.

Maintain Your Cool

Finally, don't get bogged down by the BITSAT preparation time crunch. Simply prepare with entire focus and dedication, and don't be concerned about the outcome. Get enough sleep and keep your mind sharp by practicing yoga.

A student longs to be recognized to as a champion through pure perseverance, giving their all during the exam, and managing to accomplish so by retaining what they learned. It is critical to employ online career advice at this critical stage in a student's development to help them enhance their abilities and capitalize on their advantages.

For further information about the BITSAT Test Series, please contact us at or go to our website

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