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Part 1 of the SAT Time Management Guide: The Two-Pass Approach

Best SAT Academy in Singapore You're not alone if you struggle to complete SAT sections in the allotted time. Here is a time management technique by Masterclass Space Online Classes in Singapore that many students find helpful on test day.

What does the Two Passes Strategy entail?

You can use the Two Passes Strategy to carefully organise your time while you go through a set of questions. Making sure you don't run out of time before getting a chance to work on the questions that are simpler for you will help.

Pass One: Choose the easiest-to-reach targets.

To answer the questions that are simplest for you, swiftly go over each group of questions once. Only attempt the questions that you can approach and solve right away.

  • Reading Test: If you are having trouble understanding the first paragraph of a passage, you might want to skip the entire thing and return to it later, if time permits. "Prioritising the passages" is what is meant by this. Skip the more difficult questions in a group of questions based on a passage until you have had a chance to comprehend as much of it as you can. If you complete the other questions in the set before returning to a challenging one, you could find it more straightforward.
  • Maths Test: Don't spend more than about a minute on any question on the initial pass of the maths test. Put a substantial giant circle around it in your test booklet and skip it if it will take longer. Continue answering the questions in this way until you have finished them all.
Best practice: To avoid mistakenly misgridding the next answers, some students like to add a tiny mark to the left of the question number on the answer sheet while skipping questions.

Second pass: Pick your battles.

You must now decide which issues to focus on with the time you have left.

  • Reading Test: It could be a good idea to address any questions that you were able to reduce to two options. Always keep in mind that the passage will provide evidence for the correct response. If you can locate that proof, you've got the solution.
  • Writing and Language Test: Many students find the questions about logical sentence order more time-consuming than simple grammar or punctuation problems (e.g., "to make this paragraph most logical, sentence 3 should be placed..."). These kinds of questions, such as "Which alternative most effectively sets up a contrast in the paragraph and is most consistent with the information in the rest of the passage," are also quite challenging. It might be best to approach these issues in a group setting last.
  • Maths test: Sort the remaining questions by difficulty, in ascending order. In other words, save the toughest questions for last. Return to the sections' beginnings on the maths test where the simpler questions are most likely to be found.
Level of Difficulty: SAT Time Management Strategies, Part 2

How might understanding a question's level of difficulty help you on the SAT?

Gather uncooked points

Every question, regardless of difficulty, is worth the same amount of points, including the easiest grammatical correction and the trickiest inference question on the trickiest reading passage.

Every question is worth one raw point, whether it takes you 10 seconds to complete a simple one or more than five minutes to complete a challenging one.

The most crucial thing you can do to maximise your score and earn raw points is to initially devote all of your time and effort to answer the questions that come to you easily and quickly. If you still have time, attempt to answer the more challenging questions as well.

A Summary of Difficulty Levels

The Maths Exam

It's not too difficult to determine the Math Test's question difficulty level because the questions get harder as the sections progress. The easiest questions come first, and the hardest questions come last.

The Best Advice is to start with the questions that are easiest to answer. Beginning with multiple choice questions (MCs), the Math Test's two math sections progress to a small number of student-written response questions. Don't spend too much time on those difficult multiple-choice questions before you tackle the first few Grid-INS because they are always simpler than the last few.

Reading Assessment

The complexity of the passages in the reading test varies. The questions are posed inside each passage in the order that they logically follow from the presentation of the passage's pertinent facts. This denotes that there are various levels of difficulty.

It's acceptable to skip the ones you find most challenging! The last thing you want to do is waste time getting stuck on a challenging question in one of the opening paragraphs. Even in the last passage, the test contains simpler questions! You can help assure that you will have time to thoroughly read the last parts, which might be simpler for you, by skipping difficult ones as you go. Visit the article on The Two Passes Strategy for additional information on this.

Pro tip: Have faith in yourself! Contrary to what some may claim, the questions are not meant to deceive you. A question is most likely simple if it feels that way. Choose an answer if it seems correct to you and don't second-guess yourself.

The Language and Writing Assessment

Similar to the Reading Test, there is a range in the difficulty of the passages and questions on the Writing and Language Test.

The so-called "stem less questions," which asks you to select the best version of a sentence fragment, is rapid for many students, but be wares: they are not always simple! The "sentence addition" questions are especially time-consuming for many students.

Use the Two Passes Strategy(Opens in a new window) to skip the trickiest questions on the Writing and Language Test if you find yourself short on time and come back to them later.

NOTE: Try to avoid jumping from passage to passage unless it is required; doing so will certainly slow you down and make you confused.

Best advice: Don't Stop! The conclusion to draw from this is that the last few questions are simpler. Avoid getting bogged down by challenging questions in the first few sections. Try to avoid running out of time and passing up simpler points from the tunnels towards the section's finish.

WARNING LABEL: These tactics are intended for students who occasionally feel pressed for time, so attempt to finish all the questions in each section before going on to the next one if you don't have any trouble doing them all in the allotted time.

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