Preparation for SAT Exam in Singapore

How to Get 800 on SAT Math

Preparation for SAT Exam in Singapore Do you score in the 600-750 range on the SAT Math? Do you want to boost that score to a flawless 800?

Achieving an 800 SAT Math score is not simple. It will demand excellence. But with hard effort and the tactics outlined here, you'll be able to achieve it.

Follow the suggestions in that post, and then return to this one after you've hit 600.

Why is the best SAT Math Perfect Score Guide?

Many SAT Math guides are terrible. They are created by persons who do not have true experience in the test, or they include ambiguous advice that is ineffective for the advanced student. Simple SAT Math hints like "Remember there's no guessing penalty!" are insufficient.

In contrast, I've published what I think to be the most comprehensive guide to earning an 800 accessible anywhere. I am confident that these tactics work since I have used them to get 800 on SAT Math every time I took the test. They have also worked with thousands of my Masterclass Space students.

In this post, I'll go over why scoring an 800 is a good idea, what it takes to achieve an 800 and the eight important SAT Math tactics to help you earn an 800 on the SAT Math.

Stick with me—as an advanced student, you're undoubtedly already aware that high scores are desirable. However, it is critical to understand why an 800 Math score is useful since this will boost your drive to achieve a high score.

Finally, in this guide, I focus on reaching 800. However, if your objective is a 700, these tactics remain as applicable.

Understanding the Stakes: Why an 800 on the SAT Math?

Let's be clear: a 1540+ on the SAT is comparable to a flawless 1600. No elite college will offer you more credit for a 1580 than a 1550. You've already passed their score barrier, and whether you get in now is determined by the remainder of your application.

So, if you're already at 1540, don't spend your time studying to go to 1600. You're already set for the top institutions; now it's time to focus on the remainder of your application.

However, if you score 1520 or lower and want to attend a top-ten college, it is worth your effort to raise your score to 1530 or above.
There is a significant difference between a 1440 and a 1540 since a 1440 is easier to obtain (and is obtained by a greater number of applicants) whereas a 1540 is much more difficult.
1520 positions you right around average at Harvard and Princeton, and being average is detrimental for admissions because the admittance rate is usually less than 10%.

So, why obtain an 800 on the SAT Math? Because it enables you to compensate for inadequacies in other areas. Schools often prioritize your total score above your part results. If you get an 800 in SAT Math, you just need a 730 in SAT Reading and Writing. This provides you with a lot more options.

There are two more instances in which an 800 on the SAT Math is extremely significant. The first is if you intend to major in mathematics or science (such as chemistry, physics, or statistics). The second is if you're applying to a highly competitive technical institution such as MIT. (CalTech is an exception to this rule, as they are now test-blind.)

Here's why: college admissions are all about comparing applications. The school wants to admit the best, and you're competing with others in your "bucket".

By applying as a math/science major, you will be competing against other math/science majors who are comfortable with the SAT Math. It's really easy.

Here are some examples from schools. The 75th percentile SAT Math score at Harvard, Princeton, MIT, and even less selective colleges like Carnegie Mellon is 800. That indicates at least 25% of all students at these schools scored an 800 on the SAT Math.

Even more shocking, the 25th percentile score for SAT Math at MIT is 780. This indicates that if you score 750 on the SAT Math, you are far below average for this sort of institution!

SAT Math was quite simple for me. I scored 800 on almost every practice exam and official SAT I ever took. You're competing with folks like me. And if you apply with a Math score of 700, institutions like MIT, Harvard, and Princeton will mistrust your abilities. Because SAT Math should be trivially easy for you.

However, if you can work your way up to an 800, you demonstrate that you are on the same level (at least on this metric). Even if it takes a lot of effort, the ultimate result is what counts most.

Know You Can Do It.

I mean, you and any other highly dedicated kid can earn an 800 on the SAT Math.

More than anything else, your SAT score reflects how hard you work and how well you study.

Here's why: the SAT is an unusual test. When you take it, do you get the impression that the questions are unlike anything you've seen in school?

It is purposefully constructed this way. The SAT cannot evaluate complex ideas because it would be unfair to kids who have never taken AP Calculus. It cannot require you to answer Fermat's Last Theorem. The SAT is a national exam, which means that all students across the country must compete on the same level.

As a result, it must assess ideas that are taught to all high school students. Basic algebra (solving one-variable equations and word problems), advanced algebra (quadratic and exponential equations), geometry (x-y coordinate geometry, circles, squares, and triangles), and basic statistics.

However, in order to discern student ability levels, the College Board must make the exam challenging, therefore the SAT must evaluate these topics in unusual ways. This confuses pupils who do not prepare, but also rewards those who know the test well.

The SAT math section is full of unusual cases like these, some of which get considerably more challenging. To enhance your score, you should:

Preparation for SAT Exam in Singapore, it's important to understand the sorts of questions asked, build on existing knowledge, and practice answering many questions to learn from your mistakes.

I will go into further depth on how to achieve this. First, let's look at how many questions you'll need to correctly answer an 800.

What It Takes to Score an 800 in Math

If we have a goal score in mind, it helps to comprehend what you need to do on the real test, and in the past, we could calculate quite exactly how many questions you needed to answer correctly to earn a perfect score.

Unfortunately, the new adaptable format renders such computations useless. For the time being, we must presume that you cannot miss any questions in order to achieve a perfect score on the digital SAT.

The safest approach is to strive for perfection. You should strive to answer every question correctly.

Strategies for Getting an 800 on SAT Math We've discussed the importance of achieving a higher SAT math score, your ability to improve, and the required raw score.

We'll now move on to concrete tactics that you may utilize in your own studies to enhance your score improvement:

Understand Your High-Level Weakness.
Analyze your mistakes.
Fill Content Gaps.
Retry questions. Before reading the explanation, master each SAT math skill and save time by double-checking your answers.
Eliminate careless mistakes.
Memorize the formulas
Know when to use the calculator.
Keep Calm.

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