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Setting the Foundation for College Success: Freshman Grades and Course Choices

It's getting harder to get into college, therefore more and more kids like you are seeking for strategies to improve their chances. Although it's customary for teenagers to put off thinking about their GPA until later in high school, we don't advise this! It's critical to consider this early on because your first assignment, test, or quiz counts toward your final grade.

However, do universities consider first-year grades? Do these grades have the same weight as those you receive in your sophomore, junior, and senior years?

Do Colleges Examine First-Year Grades?

Colleges do take your freshman grades into account, though perhaps not in the way you might imagine. They consider your freshman grades as a whole and as a component of your GPA. It's generally accepted that the freshman year is viewed as the least essential year in their calculations if they take the time to break down your grades by year. This is so that they can prepare you for high school because, as educators, they are aware that 9th grade is a year of adjustment. They make allowances for the fact that you are expected to exercise more independence, learn material that is more challenging and are also adjusting to a new social setting and everything that entails.

However, it does not imply that the first year does not count. Every other college in the country counts freshman year in the GPA, except California state colleges and universities, which only include your GPA from sophomore through senior year. This means that as soon as you enroll in high school, every graded assignment counts towards the class's grade, which counts towards your GPA.

Your GPA from all four years of high school is calculated by competitive, prestigious, and Ivy League colleges. But they're also renowned for carefully examining the factors that contributed to those grades. Schools like Stanford and MIT, for example, will examine your GPA-earning process in detail.

In actuality, schools take into account factors other than your GPA's proximity to 4.0. They take into account how much you pushed yourself, the electives you picked, and if you bounced back from a challenging first year.

Exactly why is the first year crucial?

So, do freshman grades matter? This is a question you may have. The response is true! More than you probably realize.

Consider your first year of high school as the cornerstone of your academic career. The building blocks for the years to come are the classes you attend and the grades you get. A poor first year can make your second year shaky, and so on. And you might discover that you need to go back and rebuild some of the pillars to give your GPA a little more stability.

How It Impacts Your Grades

The first year establishes the tone for everything that follows. For instance, having a low GPA in your freshman year can affect your sophomore year. You'll put a lot of time and effort into trying to repair the harm or raise your GPA rather than starting the year strong.

Consider taking 7 classes as a freshman and finishing the year with a 2.0 grade point average, or a C-. Assuming you take 7 classes per year, you would need to receive an A in each one to finish with a 3.5 GPA, the maximum GPA possible in this situation. Imagine the stress involved in attempting that! You can see how starting with a low GPA will reduce your chances of graduating with a high GPA even while there are always choices like performing well in weighted classes like AP or taking more courses through summer school or online.

Let's think about whether you finish your first year with a 3.0 GPA or a B- average. In this case, if you get As in every class from your sophomore year through your senior year, you could graduate with a 3.75. Again, you don't want that pressure, so the better you do your freshman year, the more likely it is that you will have a chance at a high GPA.

This information is provided to you to help you understand that your freshman year grades do affect your overall GPA, not to frighten you. Though you shouldn't become fixated on them, you should be conscious of the fact that they are a part of the greater picture.

How It Affects Your Courses

The classes you select for freshman year have an impact on your subsequent years, just as grades set the tone for the remainder of your academic career. Many high school courses have prerequisites that must be satisfied before you can enroll in them. For example, you cannot enroll in Algebra II without first passing Algebra I. You must enroll in these courses as soon as possible.

If you are certain that you intend to work in a field that requires a second language, you should enroll in the highest level available during your freshman year. Ask your counselor for the best advice for your scientific pick for your freshman year if you are certain that you want to pursue a career in the sciences. Additionally, if you want to become a journalist, you should select a writing elective that has levels that rise each year, such as Journalism I through IV.

The decision between honors or AP courses and normal classes follows the same logic. It's a good idea to challenge yourself in higher-level classes if you excel in a certain subject or have a passion for a particular field. If you wish to take AP classes later, many of them need honors classes in your freshman and sophomore years. Even difficult freshman courses are occasionally weighted, which can raise your GPA.

Take note, though, that we do advise you to choose your advanced classes deliberately and to make sure they are ones you are confident in your ability to succeed in. Balance the potential for brilliance with the task. Advanced courses are popular with colleges, but if you perform poorly in them, they are not a benefit.

Remember that your GPA affects your class rank, which some colleges require as part of the admissions procedure. The lesson here is that your possibilities increase the better you perform, not just in high school but also in college and beyond.

How to Get Through a Difficult First Year

But what if your first year was through and it wasn't all that great? Not to worry! There are many methods to get back up and change your situation; in fact, students frequently do so. Start by giving the following questions some thought:

1. Are you trending upward?
Teachers refer to grades that are steadily getting better as "trending up." Colleges are significantly more likely to view you favorably if your transcript reveals consistent improvement since your low freshman grades. Recall that they are aware of the challenges faced by first-year students. So they check to see if you understood them, improved your study skills, and persisted in attempting rather than giving up.

2. Are you pushing yourself?
On your transcript, colleges prefer to see honors and AP-level courses. Straight As in regular classes are impressive, but colleges will question why you didn't challenge yourself to take AP Language or Literature if you were capable of an A in a regular English course. When they compare your application to someone else's that involves more demanding coursework, they will perceive you as someone who has chosen to take the easier path, which might very well injure you.

3. Are you improving academically?
As you progress to upperclassmen status, are you enrolling in more difficult courses? Are you willing to step outside your comfort zone and enroll in a course that could help you hone a different set of skills? Do your grades and GPA show an improvement? They must notice these signs of development because this is a preview of what they can anticipate from you in college.

4. Are you enrolling in classes that can help you improve your GPA?
This can be done in a few different ways. Poor early grades can be balanced out by enrolling in advanced courses with increased requirements. Every school does this differently, but it's standard procedure to give AP grades one extra quality point. For example, if you receive a B in AP History, your mark is assessed as an A. These weighted classes won't just boost your GPA overall; they'll also show that you're improving academically and pushing yourself to take harder courses.

Taking Masterclass Space’s Best SAT Classes in San Francisco, Chicago, and New Jersey is another method to improve your GPA. Ideally, these courses will enhance what you are studying in your normal classes or provide you the chance to explore a subject in which you have always been interested. They can also be courses that your school does not offer. Or, they might provide further assistance in a subject that you find challenging. Your overall GPA will be affected by your online classes, and if you do well in them, they can significantly raise it. They also provide you the chance to demonstrate that you are working harder and broadening your horizons.

For more information regarding the Best SAT preparation in Chicago and Best SAT preparation in New Jersey and San Francisco, please contact Masterclass Space’s website and mail at

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